Primary School

Our primary school educators have a huge task in teaching and embedding the foundations of numeracy and literacy in our children.  Children will commence their formal education with a variety of backgrounds and standards and these teachers will need to bring them quickly to a common successful standard.  Assessing and developing their handedness is pivotal to this success, correcting any issues early so that their student can proceed with the next stages successfully.

Teachers wanting to learn more about how they can support their left-handed students more fully can CLICK HERE to go to a hidden section on our website just for schools and teachers.

If you would like your primary school to receive a Lefty’s Education Pack, CONTACT US with the name of your school, principal’s name and mailing address and we will send one out.  Please note that these packs are designed for primary schools and not for secondary schools.


If you have a child that is left-handed or is still working out if they are left-handed, please discuss this with the teacher and/or principal. 

– Ensure they are confident in supporting the development of your child’s skills in a left-handed manner,
– Ensure that they have left-handed scissors available in the classroom for craft activities, colouring and drawing pencils with a triangle-shaped barrel, pencil grips and the like,
– Refer them to our website: www.leftys.com.au,
– Ask if they would like us to send them a Lefty’s Education Pack and CONTACT US with their details.